使用我們的NextAmp™雙功能基因檢測分析系統提供癌症檢測解決方案 – 可客製化的多基因表現分析(PanelChip®)與高敏定量分析(DigiChip™)
PanelChip® 可更有效益地完成大規模病患篩選,快速精準地找出有融合基因之病患族群
使用我們的NextAmp™雙功能基因檢測分析系統提供癌症檢測解決方案 – 可客製化的多基因表現分析(PanelChip®)與高敏定量分析(DigiChip™)
“We routinely work with difficult samples such as FFPE, which often cannot meet the quality requirements needed to be run on available genetic testing platforms today. In contrast, NextAmp™ Analysis System provides the flexibility to design amplicons for fragmented RNA, making it possible to develop assays that deal with FFPE samples of various quality.”
“QuarkBio’s PanelChip™ multiplexing capability allows us to detect more than 25 respiratory pathogen in one qPCR experiment. The advantage has helped us achieve throughput that we’ve never imagined would be possible!”